Unlock your student experience.

Do you want the most out of your time at Monash? MSA+ members get access to exclusive merch, giveaways and discounts both on and off campus. There's no better way to get involved!

Get your hands on exclusive MSA merch

When you sign up to MSA+ you'll get access to some of the most in demand merch on campus such as a backpack, wall planner, hoodie, water bottle and other exclusive merchandise. ¹  

Discounts on
over 100 club memberships

Joining a club is one of the best ways to develop skills, meet new people and make lifelong friendships. Serving thousands of members and hundreds of clubs since 1962, MSA's Clubs & Societies program has become a pillar of the uni experience at Monash — and with MSA+ most club memberships are free!

Access discounts and benefits from our partner brands

We've partnered with some of the biggest brands to bring exclusive discounts and benefits to MSA+ members. ² With discounts on shopping, dining, travel and entertainment, there's something for everyone.

Membership Packages
Memberships available from 10 February 2025.



Access to 100s of online and in-store discounts and including MSA event ticket benifits.

Fortnightly MSA newsletter
$5 discount on club memberships
Online & in-store discounts
Early release & discounted tickets
Exclusive MSA+ giveaways
MSA wall planner
(RRP $2.95)
MSA socks
(RRP $6.95)
MSA totebag
(RRP $9.95)
MSA water bottle
(RRP $11.95)
MSA hoodie
(RRP $49.95)

Priority access to our most popular benifits, discounts and exclusive merch.

Fortnightly MSA newsletter
$5 discount on club memberships
Online & in-store discounts
Early release & discounted tickets
Exclusive MSA+ giveaways
MSA wall planner
(RRP $2.95)
MSA socks
(RRP $6.95)
MSA backpack
(RRP $39.95)
MSA water bottle
(RRP $11.95)
MSA hoodie
(RRP $49.95)
In case you
missed anything.
How do I pick up the physical items included in my MSA+ Silver or Gold membership?

You'll be able to collect your physical items at one of the options below. Remember to bring your photo ID when collecting your items.

O-Fest Pop Up, Lemon Scented Lawn
Open Monday to Thursday from 11 AM to 3 PM during orientation week. For directions click here.

MSA+ Hub, Ground Floor Campus Centre
Open Monday to Thursday from 10:30 AM to 3:30 PM during orientation week and same time Monday to Friday during Week 1. For directions click here.

Sir John’s Bar, First Floor Campus Centre
Open Monday to Friday from 11 AM to 5 PM during orientation week and semester. For directions click here.

SURLY, First Floor Campus Centre
Open Monday to Friday from 9:30 AM to 5:30 PM during semester. For directions click here.

Is there a sizing chart for the MSA hoodie?

See the size guide below:

Body Width (cm)
Body length (cm)

Measurements are approximate and are to be used as a general guide only, please allow for 2-3 cm fluctuations.

During checkout of an MSA+ Gold membership you'll be asked to select either a S, M, L, XL or XXL hoodie.

Can I swap my MSA Hoodie? Can I purchase just a white MSA+ Hoodie?

The Sir John's Bar exclusive limited edition hoodie is only available to be purchased separately from MSA+ Gold. You are not able to swap the white hoodie included in your MSA+ Gold package for the limited edition hoodie.

The white hoodie can only be purchased through the MSA+ Gold package, and is not sold separately.

Can I purchase an MSA+ Silver or Gold membership in person?

MSA+ memberships can only be purchased online via msa.monash.edu/plus We are unable to offer in person sales at this time.

Can I purchase just the merchandise?

Yes! Click here to purchase individual items. 

How do I access store discounts and benefits?

After you purchase an MSA+ membership you'll get access to store discounts and benefits from our partner brands both online and in store. Find out below how you can start saving cash.

In–Store Discounts and Benefits
You'll need to pick up your MSA+ membership sticker before you can access in–store discounts and benefits. This special MSA+ sticker will be affixed to your Monash student ID card and will allow you to access the exclusive in-store discounts and benefits only avalible to MSA+ members at participating stores.

Online Discounts and Benefits
Within 10 business days of purchasing an MSA+ membership you'll receive an email that grants you access to the MSA Rewards Hub. Here you'll be able to browes and redeem 100s of online discounts and deals from our partner brands.

I've already bought an MSA+ Silver membership, how do I upgrade to MSA+ Gold?

Stay tuned for announcements in Week 2.

How long does my MSA+ memberships last?

MSA+ 2024 memberships are valid for the remainder of the calendar year and will expire on December 31, 2024.

I have a question that isn’t listed here, can I get in touch?

Absolutely! You can chat with us on Messenger, shoot us an email at msa@monash.edu or give us a call on 03 9905 3138.