
Student Reps / Education (Academic Affairs)

Charlee & Renee

We represent students' academic interests and work to ensure that your academic experience at Monash is rewarding and worthwhile. The main focus of our role is to respond to academic policy changes introduced by Monash, as well as nationally. We also run the MSA Teaching Awards - an annual event focused on recognising teachers and professional staff who make a real difference to students during their time at Monash.

(03) 9905 1122

Student Reps / Education (Public Affairs)

Helen & Alex 

Our aim is to help harness the collective power of students, and the Monash community, to influence and change education policy, both on campus and nationally. We work closely with MSA’s Education Academic Affairs department to ensure that your academic interests are represented and your concerns are heard by the University. We also compile the Counter-Faculty Handbook – an annual, independent, student-driven review of Monash units. 

(03) 9905 5493