MSA assists the University in administering the SSAF Grant for medical students enrolled at Gippsland and medical students on clinical placement. The application is open to all clubs. MSA has the obligation and responsibility to ensure appropriation of funds from the SSAF pool is fully accountable -
a) for the direct benefit of medical enrolled students; and
b) in line with the specific usage terms of SSAF.
Who is eligible to apply?
All clubs that are MSA-affiliated and non affiliated can request the SSAF (Student Services and Amenities Fund) Grant. Clubs are eligible to apply for this grant if it runs an event or project that specifically provides support to medical students enrolled at Gippsland and/or medical students on clinical placement.
The funding request has to be in accordance with the SSAF Allowable use. The allowable use for SSAF is listed below:
(a) representation on the University’s decision-making bodies including participation in academic governance and policy developments;
(b) representation to all levels of government and the wider community;
(c) communication to students through the production and dissemination of media, the content of which is provided by students;
(d) advocacy services including advising on matters arising under the University rules and advocating students interests in relation to these;
(e) student welfare programs;
(f) sport, debating, artistic and social activities, the provision of food, information sessions including academic forums, and participation in University events such as Orientation, Open Day and similar events as agreed with the University from time to time;
(g) establishment of networks for equity and special interest groups including clubs & societies; and
(h) any of the following other services listed in clause 19-38(4) of the Higher Education Support Act 2003, as agreed with the University:
(i) caring for children of students
(ii) providing legal services to students
(iii) promoting the health or welfare of students
(iv) helping students secure accommodation
(v) helping students obtain employment or advice on careers
(vi) helping students with their financial affairs
(vii) helping students obtain insurance against personal accidents
(viii) providing libraries and reading rooms (other than those provided for academic purposes) for students
(ix) helping students develop skills for study, by means other than undertaking courses of study in which they are enrolled and
(x) helping meet the specific needs of overseas students relating to their welfare accommodation and employment.
How to submit the funding application:
- Prepare a budget for the event.
- Submit the application here at least one month prior to the scheduled event. Please ensure you are logged in with your Monash Student or Staff account in order to access this form.
- Submissions are reviewed and a provisional funding amount will be decided and communicated to the applicant.
- Invoice MSA the amount approved.
- Run the event.
- Submit the post event report here no later than one month post event.
A failure to submit the post event form will encumber the payment of any provisional funding allocated.