The Monash University Crochet and Knitting Society (MUCKS) is seeking affiliation with MSA Clubs & Societies as a new Monash club and needs your help by adding your name as a prospective member.
To indicate your interest in joining this club please select either MSA+ Membership or Non-MSA Membership (above). Note: there is no cost associated with 'joining' this club at this point. If sufficient expressions of interest to join this club are received by Tuesday 10 September, then the new club Applicant Group will contact you via email to invite you to the Inaugural General Meeting (IGM). At the IGM, a committee will be elected to start running the club from this point forward.
The main purposes of the club are: - To introduce students to crochet/knitting, and teach participants the skills and techniques required to practise these activities. - To provide a forum for students with an interest in crochet/knitting to share patterns, advice, skills, and passion for yarn craft. - To raise awareness about the ethics and sustainability of yarn craft. - To foster a positive, supportive, and accessible space for students to engage as a community. - To allow members to engage with the broader community through supporting charitable causes, by fundraising (such as by selling crochet/knit items) and the donation of crochet/knit items.